Do You Find Yourself Struggling in These Areas?
Maintaining our health includes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these areas get off track, a person feels stuck.
Caregivers assist in the support of another who, due to age, illness, disability, or some other factor, cannot care for themselves.
Are You a Caregiver or Making Plans for Your Desires in the Future?
Through coaching and CoachSmart’s “Personal Care Guidebook,” Dr. Marla E. Jirak provides resources and tools for organizing your loved one’s care planning or your own future needs.

Dr. Marla E. Jirak – Expert Consultant
Dr. Jirak has extensive experience with helping individuals who are feeling over-whelmed with life transitions—whether it be a health & wellness, relationships, or caregiving. She engages in kind and compassionate life coaching and consulting using stress management techniques and effective tools and resources.
Personal Care Guidebook
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Managing Long COVID Symptoms
Take Hold of Stress for a Healthy Lifestyle
Relationship Investment

Helping Individuals Navigate Life Transitions to Become Your Best Self!!
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Guest Lectures
Does your community organization need someone to provide information on health & wellness, caregiving support, relationships or stress management? Call today and get booked for an interactive presentation from a professional!
Long COVID Today — What We Know
Learn how the COVID Virus impacts the body and understand symptoms, pacing strategies, treatment, and more!